On November 9, 2012, University officials announced plans to close Pierce Tower and Dining Commons at the end of the 2012-2013 school year and, over the next four years, construct a new dorm and dining hall on North Campus in its place. Pierce, which has had a rich culture and community for over a century, deserves to be celebrated.
The building is on the corner of 55th and University and has proudly housed students since 1960. Harry Weese of the architectural firm Harry Weese & Associates designed it at a cost of $2,400,000. |
The dorm, which is ten stories high and can house 250 students, is named after Stanley R. Pierce, a former UChicago Maroons fullback who went on to become a broker and gift the University $800,000. |
The Breezeway greets guests as they enter. Pierce students often play ping-pong, pool, fooseball, or watch TV down here (when they're not doing homework, of course.) |
Floors 3 and 4 of Pierce are Tufts House. This year, Tufts won Sports Frolic, Pierce's annual inter-house sports competition held in Henry Crown. |
Pierce lounges are a central part of House culture as students often hang in them or walk through on the way to the elevators. |
Pierce Houses are known to engage in some (friendly) competition. Here, Tufts house shows off on a lounge poster. |
Residents also often play Smash on Nintendo, sometimes for hours on end! |
Floors 5 and 6 of Pierce are Henderson House. This year, Henderson had a unique mustache theme on its walls. |
More house pride found on the walls of Pierce! Next year, the Hendus will join Tufts in New Grad. |
Thompson House lives on floors 7 and 8. This year, they had a record theme on their walls. |
Students often work in the lounges, collaborating on problem sets and projects. Next year, Thompson will be moved to I-House. |
At the top of Pierce is Shorey House on floors 9 and 10. Quite fittingly, Shorey's motto is "Always on Top." |
This year, Shorey's Theme was One Hit Wonders. Each student had a "One Hit Wonder" on their door, such as "Pop Lock and Drop It" or "Shake It."
Shorey house's mascot, Ferrari, a statue with a perplexing history. Earlier this year, second years David Goldfeld and Ricky Stewart gave a presentation on Ferrari's life. Now, Shoreyites are trying to figure out how to transport it to I-House for next year. |
This 10th floor room is meant to be a double, but first year Mariah Raynor has it to herself. What beautiful decorating!
One half of a traditional Pierce double. Here, first year Maxine Frendel has outfitted it with photos, postcards, and mementos. |
The view from a 10th floor window. On a clear day, you can see all the way to Harper from the south side of the building and Downtown from the north side. |
Back downstairs, on the deck outside the breezeway, first year Paloma Ocola reads for class in the sunshine. |
Students also relax on the deck during the day when it's nice out. Here, first year Dana Cohen catches some rays. |
In the basement of Pierce is TANSTAAFL, a study room and lounge. TANSTAAFL stands for "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch" and is a throwback to when the room was a student-run cafe. |
View of the building from the parking lot on Greenwood. Pierce, we will miss you! |
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